Very Useful And Important 30 Tips For Computer
Very useful important 30 Computer Tips:
Tip 1:
Trick To View Files With Extension.
Just Go To Tools
* Folder Option
* Select View
* And Uncheck Hide Extension Of File
Tip 2:
Optimize System Startup and Shutdown by just disabling startup progrms
* Run
* Type Msconfig
* Click Startup
* Disable
* unwanted prog.
Tip 3:
Unwanted Apps Starts 0n Each Boot?
Do This
* Press Win+R
* Type msconfig
* Press Enter
0n Start Up Tab Uncheck Unwanted App List
Tip 4:
Fix .lnk And .exe Problems
* Download Ccleaner
And Advanced System Care Pro
* Then Go To Fix Registry
* Scan And Fix It.
Tip 5:
Lock ur CD-ROM:
* run
* type regedit
* find(ctrl+F)
* then type allocatecdrom
* change the value 1 to 0
* to normal then type 1 to 0
* done
Tip 6:
How to get extra Ram Using USB:
If u R on Windows 7 than u can use Ready Boost to use ur USB as a RAM its really Great Way to Speed UP.
Tip 7:
Some useful short keys:
Tip 8:
How To Use Inbuilt Bluetooth In Win Xp And Win Vista?
-Run Command
Now Bluetooth File Transfer Wizard Opens.
Tip 9:
Disable Windows Error Reporting System:
=My Computer,
=Error Reporting,
=Disable Error Reporting.
Tip 10:
Unwanted Apps Starts on
Each Boot?
Do this
* Press Win+R
* Type msconfig
* Press Enter & on Start Up Tab Unchck Unwanted App List
Tip 11:
Shutdown PC 100 times faster:
-Press ctrl+alt+del
-Open task Manager
-Click shutdown Tab.
While holding ctrl key,
- Press TURN OFF
Tip 12:
Save electricity with your pc.
Go to run
set your monitor,hard disk,
etc. turn off & standby time.
Save power.
Tip 13:
Do you want to see any website server ip addrs?
try this
type cmd
-type ping _space_ site name enter cmd comand will show ip
Tip 14:
Don't Want to Create Thumbs.db File?
Go to:
* My Computer
* Tools Menu
* Folder Option
* 'View' Tab
* Check the Option:
* 'Don't Cache thumbnails'
* OK
Tip 15:
How to Enable or Disable TaskManager
* Click Run
* Enter gpedit.msc and press enter
* Group Policy settings
* Select User Configuration
Tip 16:
How Can U Change the Name Of Recycle Bin?
-Click on Start button
-Click on Run
-Type regedit.exe
-Press enter
-U will find there regedit editor
Tip 17:
Delete Admin Password Widout Software:
* Connect Hard Disk Wid Another Working PC and Delete SAM SAM.log
Files From
Tip 18:
If Pc Shows Dump Error:
Solution is-
1)Last installed program has infected Ur system, remove it
2)softly remove ur RAM and clean it
Tip 19:
How to disable /enable access to USB port:
Step 1:
press win key + R
then type regedit
Step 2:
* CurrentControlSet
* Services
Step 3:
in right panel select START double click on START
Step 4:
To disable USB port access
type 4 in that box
n select hexadecimal.
click OK.
Step 5:
Follow above step upto step 3rd:
Now double click on START:
Type 3 in that box click ok
*Basic of this tricks
just type in Box
type 3 - to Enable
type 4 - to Disable USB Access
Tip 20:
1.Open CPU
2.Remove Cmos(silver)Battery
3.after 2 minutes
4.Replace the Battery.
now the password is removed from the system
Tip 21:
disable writing to USB: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\StorageDevicePolicies]
WriteProtect dword:00000001
Tip 22:
Display your name after time in taskbar
* Start
* Control Pannel
* Regnal and language option
* Customize
* Go toTime tab
* Change AM and PM to vipul.
Tip 23:
To make your Desktop Icons Transparnt
-Go toControl Panel
-Performnce Setting
-Use drop shadows for labels on the Desktop
Tip 24:
How to Block website on your computer?
Find the path
-Find the file 'Hosts'
-Open with Notepad
Tip 25:
Before buying any antivirus:
note that product must be
-ICSA Certified
-A+ grade
-supports almost all Operating system
-Technical supports
-updation via proxy / net
-Boot rescue cd
-Password protection
-Realtime scan module.
Tip 26:
To check your antiviruse is working well or not. Try it : notepad
2. Type
3.Save it as
4.Your antivirus will stop this process.
If the antivirus stops means that the antiviruse is perfectly running
Tip 27:
To make pendrive as a virtual memory
2. Right click on mycomputer icon
3. Select properties
4.goto Advanced-> Performance setting
5.advance-> Change the pendrive on custom size Check the available space in pendrive
8 . Enter the same value in the initial and max column
9. Click ok
10. Reboot the system.
Tip 28:
Avoid windows 7 crash:
press win + r
Startup and Recovery
tick on Write an event to the system log
-now again tick Automatically restart
-Under Write debugging Kern information select Kernel memory dump
-Dump file address must be
-Now tick on Overwrite any existing file
-Apply ok
-Restart ur pc
Tip 29:
Disable Windows 7 Genuine Notification:
Type regedit
Windows NT
current Version
Win Logon
now on right side u will see 1 file
delete that file
Tip 30:
Before updating ur pirated windows 7
Control panel
Windows updates
change setting
click on important updates
select 3rd option
click ok
check for updates
find KB971033
remember dont download that update
it detect ur windows dat genuine or pirate