Check How Many Peoples You Send Friend Request
I am once again with you at new Facebook Trick and most intrusting trick of facebook. In this trick i will show you How To Check Pending Friends Request On Facebook very easily.
At least facebook added the new feature which is very use full for us to see pending request. now you can check your pending request. Most of you can send daily requests to lot of users whom you don’t know and after sending we forgot and its now possible to track each and every send friend request but now its possible.
we send daily most request and we are block to send the request because we send lot of requests and then Facebook block us to send request for 30 days.
Finally if you want to see all request and you want to cancel request then here comes good news for you all, now you don’t have use 3rd party applications or softwere for tracing of your friends send requests and even you can cancel them as per your choice.